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Scopas tang

Zebrasoma scopas

Coming Soon! Newsletter for Release Date

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , , , , , Product ID: 14898


Scientific Name: Zebrasoma scopas
Common Names: Scopas Tang, Brown Tang, Twotone Tang
Maximum Length: 8″
Minimum Aquarium Size: 100 Gallon
Aquarium Suitability:  Hardy
Foods & Feeding: Herbivore
Reef Safe: Yes
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Captive Care: The Scopas tangs are one of the most recognizable tang in the trade. These fish are very cool as they are as tall as they are wide and have that long snout that gives them that distinct shape. These tangs are fantastic at keeping algae at bay as they are always cruising the reef nipping at the rocks. They are not bristletooth so they prefer to eat macro algae such as C.proliera and C.Mexicana.