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Ruby Red Scooter Dragonet

Synchiropus sycorax

Coming Soon! Newsletter for Release Date

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , , , , , Product ID: 26338


Scientific Name: Synchiropus sycorax
Common Names: Ruby Red Scooter Dragonet
Maximum Length: 3″
Minimum Aquarium Size: 30 gallons (113.56 liters)
Aquarium Suitability: Intermediate
Diet: Carnivore (Requires a live food source of copepods and amphipods or a prepared diet specifically designed for the species.)
Reef Safe: Yes
Temperament: Peaceful
Captive Care: The Ruby Red Scooter Dragonet is a colorful addition to any tank. The beautiful reds and pattern make it a lively and captivating sight. With high care requirements for food, including a live food source of copepods and amphipods, it may not be suitable for novice aquarists. However, providing the right environment this beautiful fish is a rewarding and unique addition to any aquarium.

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Sub Adult


Juv. (Unknown)