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Dispar Anthias

Pseudanthias dispar

Coming Soon! Newsletter for Release Date

SKU: N/A Category: Tags: , , , , , Product ID: 23587


Scientific Name: Pseudanthias dispar
Common Names: Dispar Anthias, Madder Seaperch, Redfin Anthias
Maximum Length: 4″
Minimum Aquarium Size: 90 Gallon
Aquarium Suitability:  Semi-Durable
Foods & Feeding: Carnivore
Reef Safe: Yes
Temperament: Peaceful
Captive Care: The Pseudanthias dispar, commonly known as the Dispar Anthias, is a vibrant and popular choice among marine aquarium enthusiasts. Known for their stunning pinkish-red hues and energetic swimming patterns, these fish make a beautiful addition to any reef aquarium. However, proper care is essential to ensure their health and longevity in captivity. They do require a lot of feedings throughout the day as they have small stomachs and fast metabolisms. So we think more small feedings per day is a better strategy than just a couple of large meals.